While we do not endorse everything you might read on the web sites below, we supply them to help you find your way to useful resources which generally align with our church’s beliefs and values.
Devotional Sites
The Upper Room: www.upperroom.org/devotionals
Our Daily Bread: www.odb.org
Online Bibles
Bible Gateway: www.biblegateway.com
Christian Living & Discipleship
The Upper Room: www.upperroom.org
Christianity Today: www.christianitytoday.com
United Methodist Board of Discipleship: www.umcdiscipleship.org
Church History & Christian Literature
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: www.ccel.org
Cyberhymnal: www.hymntime.com
United Methodist Hymnal: hymnary.org/hymnal/UMH
United Methodist Sites
The United Methodist Church: www.umc.org
The Eastern PA Conference: www.epaumc.org
Resource UMC: www.resourceumc.org
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR): umcmission.org/umcor
UM News: www.umnews.org
Christian Bookstores
Cokesbury: www.cokesbury.com